Administration, Management and Technical Professionals

You maybe a new entrant to the Creative Industries or have worked in the Industry for some time.

You may work in management, administration or your job may be more technically orientated or somewhere in between.

You may want to know more about what your company and other companies does.

You may have discovered that it will be useful to know what other sides of the industry does.

You may wish to be able to communicate more easily with colleagues.

Knowledge will make your job easier and stress free.

You may be more useful to your organisation

The Gateway Industry Orientation courses are probably for you

Th first of of these courses is in:

Recording and Record Production

Introduction to Film and T.V. Production.

These courses are all taught by industry professionals skilled at passing on information in an efficient and understandable way.

The courses are all taught in a professional environment.

For those who need more technically specific information there are courses designed for you.

The key words for Gateway courses are Relevant, Up to Date, Holistic, Informative and Fun.